serves 2
1 Eggplant, sliced and salted (about 1/4 ” thick)
1 cup Full fat (10%) Greek yoghurt (Cabot Greek or Fage)
2 cloves garlic, minced.
2 tsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp EVGE EVOO
pinch of salt
Fresh dill
Salt and strain sliced eggplant for about an hour.
Beat yoghurt with minced garlic, a little salt (eggplant will have salt already) balsamic vinegar & EVOO
Lay eggplant slices on a roasting pan (with parchment paper) and drizzle with EVOO.
Grill using the broiler in the oven or some type of grill (5 minutes under the broiler)
Put 2-3 layers of eggplant in a small serving bowl or casserole dish, then a layer of yoghurt and the rest of the eggplant in layers on top. Finish with the rest of the yoghurt and top with chopped fresh dill.
Cut into squares and eat immediately or store in the fridge
Kali orexi!!